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TOP > Entertaining Unplugged ChildrenActivities for Children Without Electronic Devices【電子書籍】[ Christine Grant ]

Entertaining Unplugged ChildrenActivities for Children Without Electronic Devices【電子書籍】[ Christine Grant ]

<p>Entertaining Unplugged Children was written to assist parents and children in their quest to find entertaining things to do when children are unplugged from the various technologies. Outdoor play with a lot of kids and indoor things with a few children are covered. Being unplugged does not necessarily mean doing physical activities, so quiet activities are also exploredfrom kids songs to nursery rhymes and prayers. There are even a few arts and craft activities, but that would be another book in itself! Have fun learning, sharing, or revisiting things that you might have done growing up.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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